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The safety and well-being of our customers, teammates and communities is our top priority. We have implemented several safety and wellness measures, in accordance with CDC guidelines.
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BancorpSouth is committed to providing up-to-date information for our customers. Visit the new BancorpSouth Resource Center to watch educational videos exploring topics such as stimulus payments, tracking your finances, fraud awareness, and managing your business during COVID-19.
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Through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), BancorpSouth processed and funded over 14,800 loans totaling more than $1.23 billion for small businesses. As of July 31, 2023, we are no longer accepting PPP applications in order to meet the SBA mandated date of August 8, 2023, for final funding of PPP loans. We appreciate all of the small businesses that chose BancorpSouth for their PPP loan.
Guidelines and information about PPP Loan Forgiveness are available for review. To learn more, visit our Loan Forgiveness page.
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- Locate a branch.
- Search for a branch with drive-thru.
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